Friday, November 2, 2018

Idea Napkin No. 2- 19A

Who you are. What your talents are. What your skills and experiences are. Also: what are your aspirations? Specifically regarding your business concept, how do you see this business (if you were to start it) playing a role in your life?
  •  My name is Larry Nguyen and I am a second year APK major with an Entrepreneurship minor at the University of Florida. From the secret sauce assignment I found out that I a very motivated and open minded individual. I believe this two things will play a big role in my success. By being motivated I will continue on with my journey even through rough patches. Having an open mind will help me understand how to receive feedback and use it to continue the growth of my app. I have been lifting for over two years now. During my time lifting I have grown as a strength athlete at a higher than average rate. I have always self programmed therefore I consider myself knowledgeable in fitness. Through lifting I have made many connections through the country. For example I have made connections with two fitness clothing companies in California. Therefore these experiences have widen my span of connections. I am hoping that this business concept will produce even further connections with athletes and fitness individuals for me. By doing so I hope to use them to create a training facility that focuses on training student athletes for free. By doing so I hope to help them receive a positive life. 
Describe the product or service (in other words, how you'll solve customers' unmet needs). 
  • The unmet need is, individuals who are having a difficult time finding a gym partner. I will be making an app that provides the service of matchmaking gym partners. The app will connect individuals based on the criteria they input. They can specify the gym, the time, the workout, the experience of their partner, and the gender of their partner. By doing so this will match them with the best possible partner. Each week individuals will have two free matches. If they want to pay $1 a month they can get unlimited matches for the whole month. The app will also feature a workout tracker. The individual will have to insert their own workout and then they can track it while working out. This is great for monitoring growth in the gym. For $2 a month individuals will get unlimited matches, free training programs that will be uploaded automatically to the tracker once they pick one, and a diet tracker. The app will also contain a store. Users can rate the products they buy and use. Though the ratings as well as sales, a top 10 list will be generated each month to help new gym goers find supplements that work easier. 
  • The app will have advertisements from various gym supplement, gear and clothing companies. Ads can be constant as a banner or appear for a set time then disappear. The length of the advertisement and how much of the screen it encompasses will determine the cost of the ad. This will help these companies reach more customers because this app is designed for every gym member. With the $2 a month subscription all ads will be removed for that month.

Describe, in as much detail as possible, the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your customers. Think especially of this question: what do your customers all have in common?
  • All my customers are individuals who go to the gym. They can be lifters, sport players, or even joggers. As long as the activity can be done at a gym, the app can be used. The app is designed for those who are having a difficult time finding a gym partner therefore all of them will have that in common. It can also be used for those who want to switch up their partners. The users will generally be above 16 because those are the ones usually in a gym. Other demographic characteristics do not matter because all of them work. Since the product is an app. All users must have a smart phone with an App Store. 

Your solution is only valuable insofar as customers believe its valuable to them. Here, explain why customers will actually pay you money to use your product or service. 
  • The app is designed to connect individuals to a gym partner. Since 80% of gym memberships in the US go unused, this will turn the tables. Studies show that those who train with a partner usually train for longer periods of time and are more motivated. Therefore by connecting individuals to a gym partner, I am keeping them from giving up and paying a gym membership and not using it. The app has two subscriptions choices, $1 and $2. Compared to the $130 average individuals spend on fitness purchases a month this is nothing, it is roughly 1.5% of their average. So they are likely to continue subscribing to the app in order to receive these services that will help them with their fitness journey. 
  • The app is targeted to all gym members therefore this is a big audience for companies. By exposing a big majority of the fitness community to these brands I am cutting their expenses. They do not need to market to multiple customer segments instead they can market to all through my app.

What sets you apart from everyone else? Also: what do you have that nobody else has? 
  • The main difference between me and everyone else is that I am not trying to make money and exploit my customers. I want to give back to the fitness community and make the world fitter. I have used many apps where there is a free and a subscription version. In the free version, the unmet need is never satisfied. They only do it partially. My app will satisfy the need with the free version. 
In addition to these five elements, please spend a paragraph evaluating whether you believe these elements fit together or whether there are aspects of your business concept that are weaker / out-of-joint with the others.
  • All these elements fit together well. The only flaw is myself. I lack the skill of developing an app. My experiences although can help with making connections have no connections to the app itself. I am formed a relationship with a student with a computer science major who is willing to help me create this app.
Feedback memo
  • I did not receive any feedback on my app from other students. I did not receive feedback from Ed Buckley, CEO of Peerfit. He told me to look at the last 5 years of top fitness apps and see why they succeeded and apply that to my business plan. I have looked and found similar characteristics and implanted it into my own plan
  • Ed Buckley also helped me revise the monetization of my app. Instead of making matches free he stated that giving individuals a few free ones and making them pay for unlimited will produce better profits. 


  1. The post was very good and detailed. I really like the way you specifically mention the assignment that helped you determine your characteristics and how that will serve to benefit you in the journey to starting your app. In addition, I appreciated that you included both the positive and negative aspects of the app if the users were to not buy the added-on component and just use the free version. I think that you do not need to know how to develop the app for it to be successful. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Larry,

    I think you did a really good job on this assignment. You answered each question with extreme detail to give us plenty of knowledge on how you want your business to function. I think it’s funny that we both create businesses that we did not want to exploit our customers and create a business that profits just enough. I think your idea would be great. When I was first reading you mentioned match making and it made me think of a video game style match making that would randomly match you with someone that has a good ping. Instead of ping you can match off of certain characteristics that a person has. You can have people perform questionnaires and match them with good partners that will fit well with them. Maybe a mix of skill or knowledge could be better. Or maybe even a combination of neither and maybe those individuals can learn together creating a relationship around fitness and health.
