Interviewee 1: Powerlifter at the national level, 5+ years of lifting
Interviewee 2: Co-founder of a fitness clothing brand(GuavaFit), 4+ years
Interviewee 3: Instagram Fitness female, 3+ years
Alternative Evaluations
During my interview process none of the individual interviewed had an alternative. They simply resorted to texting friends(3) or the would just go to the gym alone(1,2). I realized that everyone would probably say this therefore I searched online for apps that will satisfy this need. I found various apps yet none of them had ratings. When I presented my idea of the app to these individuals they all stated that this is something they would love to have access to. I showed them the apps(Physeek, Train With Me, and Chatfit) that I found online and they all stated they have never heard of these apps. I asked if they would try them. One replied probably not because it has no rating(1). The other two said they wouldn't try it because they've never heard anyone talk about it so no one is probably on it(2,3). Therefore I believe that they key factors individuals will look for when using an app that meets this need, they will look at ratings for the app and the popularity of it. This makes sense because this correlates with how many members are possibly using the app, which makes it easier to find a match.
How/Where do they buy?
Alternatives for this need are mainly apps. Therefore they are found on mobile devices in app stores. When conducting my interviews I showed the individuals examples of apps currently on the market that can satisfy this need. All of these apps were free to use. Therefore when I asked if they would pay for this service, two individuals(1,2) stated they wouldn't mind spending a dollar or so. The other individual (3) stated that they wouldn't pay since all the other ones are free. I believe that the majority of people will not want to spend money to use this app. This is most likely due to the fact that so many apps currently on the market are free to users and make money through advertisements.
Post-Purchase evaluation
None of the individuals interviewed have used an app to satisfy this need before. One of them has texted their friends (3) to go to the gym with them. They determined if they were going to workout again with them or not based on how the workout went. She stated that it didn't matter if the weights were different as long as the other person knew how to perform each exercise and was positive during the workout. When asked how they would evaluate if they were going to continue using the app or not, two of them emphasized that it depends on the workout partner they were matched too(1,3). For example if they stated that they want to be matched with an experienced lifter and weren't they most likely will not use the app again. The other individual stated that the most important aspect the apps needs for them to keep using it is the ease of navigating through the app as well as the number of individuals using(2).
When individuals in this segment evaluates alternatives they look to see is if the app has a high number of members and a good rating. They will most likely not pay for the gym partner matching service because other apps that have attempted to do so are free. They may potentially spend a dollar on the app, however there will be a higher number of users if it were free to download. After using the app the individuals will evaluate it based on the ease of using the app and if they had a good workout partner or not.
Once again I really how in-depth you went with the assignment. In addition, I also like how your interviewees had all different perspectives. I like how you evaluated the how/ where do they buy and that you provided an example of how an app could generate income if the consumers are not willing to pay, which I think are becoming more and more common nowadays. I think that for the post-purchase evaluation, you could have gone more in-depth when interviewing interviewee number 2. But overall, the post was ver good!