Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Create a Customer Avatar- 18A

The segment I have been focusing on in my recent assignments is female lifters.

  • They love having a healthy lifestyle. Almost every aspect of their life revolves around being healthy. Such as a healthy diet, healthy sleep schedule and routines to destress themselves. Each of them have a different definition for healthy however they all live by what they define. For example healthy can mean looking fit to one but to another it means being strong. 
  • Female lifters generally wear clothing pieces that make them feel confident. They tend to wear fitness clothing such as leggings, sports bras, compression shirts, spandex shorts and much more. The clothing normally highlights a part of their body they feel confident about. They will also wear fitness clothes on a normal basis. Such as going out in public. This is due to the current trend of athleisure wear. Since many of these females favor wearing athleisure regularly, they are willing to spend money on these products. For example they will wear brands such as Gymshark. For this brand the average pair of leggings is roughly $50.
  • Female lifters are generally above the age of 16 years. Individuals in this segment can have children however the majority do not. Most females who do lift are under the age of 30. There are other lifters at younger ages however those individuals normally lift for a sport so would not be included in this segment. They drive all sorts of cars. The majority can be found in a common commuter car that is either a sedan or crossover SUV. They typically drive these cars for the abundance in storage and because they are efficient inexpensive vehicles. They do not have any particular taste in the choice of their cars. 
  • They will watch fitness youtubers who inspire them. By watching these videos, female lifters may replicate the workouts they see as well as inspire to be look like them or use them as a source of motivation.
  • When planning out there week they make sure to schedule days for the gym. By doing so they can hold themselves accountable and make sure they are continuing to stay fit.
  • The social media accounts of female lifters will start to contain fitness content after they began feeling confident. They will either post videos showing their strength or how they look performing the exercise or they will post pictures at the gym. On their social media accounts they will also follow fitness inspirations for them, this ranges from competitive lifters to fitness models. 
  • Female lifters much like other lifters have many friends who are into fitness. By having friends that are into fitness it allows them to surround themselves with others with similar mindsets.
Things I have in common
  • I have many common characteristics as the female lifters in this segment. Like them my life revolves around fitness. My eating choices, sleep schedule, work schedule, social media, and even the friends around me typically have been influenced by fitness. These similarities are not a coincidence because living a healthy lifestyle does not mean doing only one of these things. In order to continue being healthy all aspects of your life has to become healthy. 
Image result for megsquatsImage result for martha rogers weightliftingImage result for nikki blackketter

1 comment:

  1. I thought you did a really good job for this assignment. You did a really good job with your customer avatar and included numerous detail regarding your avatar. I think that it is typical to be interested in fitness related videos if the person is a lifter. I, however, would do a avatar that is a guy to compare the difference. Overall, the post was very well written and contain a lot of detail, which is always a plus.
